IT support for organisations

IT support

In a dynamic business world, IT challenges like technical glitches, software conflicts, and slow systems can hinder efficient operations. We support system management, cyber security, software, and hardware issues. Our expertise forms the foundation for a strong IT infrastructure, allowing you to focus on growth and success without interruptions.
All-in-one IT solutions

Optimise your business operations

We offer an all-in-one IT solution that enhances your business operations and productivity. With proactive system management, assistance with software problems, and the implementation of new developments, we ensure your systems' security and up-to-date status. Minimise downtime, maximise efficiency and foster growth with our targeted IT support.

Strengthen your IT with Qompute

Our label Qompute provides dedicated IT support personnel. These specialists become an extension of your team, working strategically to align your IT environment with your business goals.
"Qompute has been our long-term partner for addressing IT challenges like network and system management. Their expertise and proactive approach enhance our business operations with fast, customised solutions that minimise downtime."
Bart Homan
Managing Director, Rebels
2 SEP 2023

The benefits of IT support

Smoothly-running systems for more efficient business processes.
Long-term cost savings through quick problem-solving solutions.
Regular security updates and protection of sensitive organisational data.

Read our FAQ for more information

What does IT support involve?

IT support provides various services and solutions to help businesses manage, maintain, and optimise their IT environment. This includes:

- Technical Troubleshooting
Quickly and effectively solving technical issues like hardware problems, software errors, and network issues.

- Helpdesk Support
Offering immediate assistance to users in resolving daily technical problems and answering questions.

- Proactive Monitoring
Continuously monitoring systems and networks to detect and prevent potential issues early on.

- Maintenance and Updates
Performing regular updates, patches, and maintenance to keep systems and software up-to-date and secure.

- Security and Protection
Implementing security measures to safeguard data and systems from threats like malware and cyberattacks.

- Data Backup
Regularly backing up critical business data to ensure recovery in case of data loss.

- Network Management
Optimising networks for speed, reliability, and security, including configuration and monitoring.

- Implementation of New Technologies
Assisting in integrating and implementing new technologies and systems within the company.

- Training and Education
Provide training for employees to help them make the most of available technologies.

Strategic Advice
Offering guidance on IT developments and strategies to help the company grow and innovate.

What aspects are part of IT?

These aspects work together to shape and support an organisation's IT environment:

‍- Hardware
Physical devices like computers, servers, network equipment, and peripherals.

- Software
All applications, programs, and operating systems that run on hardware.

- Networks
How devices are connected to share information, including local networks (LAN) and wider networks (WAN).

- Data Management
Handling data, from storage and security to analysis and interpretation.

- Cyber Security
Protecting systems and data from unauthorised access, attacks, and cyber threats.

- Support and Troubleshooting
Providing technical support and resolving IT problems.

- Cloud Computing
Delivering services like storage, computing power, and software over internet connections.

- Digital Communications
Using technology for communication, including email, video conferencing, and instant messaging.

- Innovation and Trends
Keeping up with new developments like artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

- Strategy and Planning
Developing long-term plans for IT infrastructure and applications that align with business goals.

These aspects work together to shape and support an organisation's IT environment.

Do you offer preventive measures?

Absolutely. We take proactive steps to prevent potential issues before they occur. This includes actively monitoring networks and systems, regular updates and patches, and security measures against cyber threats. Additionally, we apply best practices to ensure the stability and security of IT environments.

What is the difference between on-site and remote IT support?

On-site IT support involves the physical presence of IT professionals at the location to address complex hardware and network issues. On the other hand, remote IT support provides assistance from a distance using communication technologies. It is suitable for quick troubleshooting and software configurations without physical travel.

How does remote IT support work?

Remote IT support offers technical assistance and issue resolution without the physical presence of IT professionals. This process includes several steps:

- Connection
The company contacts IT support via phone, chat, or email and explains the issue.

- Diagnosis
The IT support staff analyses the problem based on the description and may request additional information.

- Remote Access
In many cases, the IT professional can gain access to the user's computer using special software.

- Solution
The IT support staff identifies the cause of the problem and provides step-by-step instructions to resolve it.

- Testing
After following the instructions, the user tests whether the problem is resolved. If it's fixed, the support task is complete.

- Closing
The IT support staff closes the session and ensures that any remote access is terminated.

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